New Upper Body Training Sesh
Going from completely toned to building muscle & healthy fats. I respect my journey and I am transforming! In this session my trainer and I focused on upper body strengthening and training, accelerating weight throughout each set until burn out!…
What a wonderful day it is to show some gratitude, don’t you agree? Take a moment and reflect on What you are most grateful for… Begin the day with some positive affirmations expressing your gratitude outwardly, towards the Universe! ”…
Offerings and Nature Meditation
First things first! As stated before, a ritual is simply a commitment, something performed repetitively, perhaps performed on a daily/weekly/monthly etc. basis, like a routine. Notice the word spiritual, spirit + ritual, meaning daily devotion to spirit, self. Its important…
Say no to everything that doesn’t support your immediate goals!
15 Ways To Manage Time SUCCESSFULLY 1. Technically No. 1 is the title, Say No! Time is our MOST valuable resource, use it wisely! 2. Do Your Most important Task First 3. Work from a Calendar, not a to-do list…
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Leg Day At the Gym!
I am 95% plant based , after removing meats and unhealthy fats from my diet I lost a lot of weight. I went from about 130 lbs. or more (thicker than a snicker) to now about 115 lbs. (tiny as…
Let’s Reach Some Goals
Goal Setting Part 1 The first step is a matter of adapting. We must Know where we’re going and that we’re going to get there. Think of a vertical wall of ice, one step at a time! We use our…
Are You Willing to Change Your Mind!
Fridays you know we come through with the positive affirmations, for a calming end of your busy work week and a peaceful start to a much needed weekend, Let’s Affirm! ” I am willing to change my mind! I realize…
Ever Visited a Plant Nursery?
Have you visited a plant nursery before? no? yes? If not, Well today is ya lucky day!! If so, enjoy this stroll with me through this beautiful plant nursery located in South Florida. First and foremost I am a nature…
Sea of Infinite Potentials
Exercise your Unlimited Potential The best part of your life is right in front of you! Remember me telling you before, We become what we think about? Silence others and listen to your own voice. Smile more! Find a cause…