It’s a New Day
Affirm greatness towards this new day! My greatest advice to you is to write these affirmations down, screen shot this post , anything you can think of to keep and refer back to at a later time “I choose happiness…
Wednesday Workout Upload
3 Blocking Words
I HOPE – means I do not have, disbelief, no faith. What you see is a reflection of what you believe. Shallow people believe in luck, real truth seekers believe in law. Replace “ I Hope” with “ I Know!”…
Wellness Wednesdays!
Peace Beautiful Soul, Just sending some peace and wellness , per usual. Here’s another peak at a morning ritual , part of the “Goddess O.G. Rituals” series on our blog site as well as our YouTube channel. Remember our last…
Love Thyself
Sometimes life happens and we can be a bit hard on ourselves. These Affirmations below are to help us feel the love from within us and strengthen our knowing power! The act of blessing has multiplying power. Take back your…
Strolling through the Mornings in Miami
Enjoy this morning grounding stroll through nature with the Goddess, a great exercise to implement into your daily morning routine. How you start the day sets the tone for the rest of the day which is completely in your hands…
Benefits of Yoga
Yoga can be performed at any time, by any one. Whether male or female, from Youth to elderly promoting health and wellness of the body, It builds endurance, agility, and flexibility, of muscles and is practiced in conjunction with meditation…
Double Upload!
Double Youtube upload! Even better right? What a way to start your next day with some fresh juice & a nice 20-30 min workout session outdoors! Simply click the images to be directed to the videos Dont forget to like…