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It’s a New Day

Affirm greatness towards this new day!

My greatest advice to you is to write these affirmations down, screen shot this post , anything you can think of to keep and refer back to at a later time

“I choose happiness and abundance today”

“I can reach any goal today”

“I have the courage I need to succeed”

“Every little step I take makes a big difference”

“Whatever I imagine I can do”

“I am thankful to the universe for providing
EVERYTHING i desire, constantly, instantly”

“I enjoy my prosperity and share it freely with the world”

“I approve of myself and I love myself”

“It’s safe for me to be rich and powerful”

“Unexpected doors fly open for me”

“I am open to money coming to me from new ways that
I’ve never imagined”

“All that I desire comes to me effortlessly”

“I am financially free!”

“The sunrise fills me with energy”

“Opportunity comes easily to me”

“My body feels great and I am healing”

“My mind is filled with love and gratitude”

“I only attract the best situations”