

  • a woman in black tank top and shorts holding a dumbbell

    Benefits of working Out During Pregnancy

    Exercise is beneficial in many ways promoting a healthy pregnancy. Now I know you’re probably wondering why am I sharing a blog about pregnancy. Well for one, I am expecting, YAYY! and for two, as you may already know, this…

  • New YouTube Double upload

    Here we share one of our Sunrise rituals declaring the healing and sacredness of our wombs. *For the males that are reading this information, please share it with the sacred women in your life so that they can declare for…

  • woman in red sports bra and black leggings holding black and gray exercise equipment

    New Upper Body Training Sesh

    Going from completely toned to building muscle & healthy fats. I respect my journey and I am transforming! In this session my trainer and I focused on upper body strengthening and training, accelerating weight throughout each set until burn out!…

  • red and pink rose flower bouquet at woman s hand

    Leg Day At the Gym!

    I am 95% plant based , after removing meats and unhealthy fats from my diet I lost a lot of weight. I went from about 130 lbs. or more (thicker than a snicker) to now about 115 lbs. (tiny as…

  • Double Upload!

    Double Youtube upload! Even better right? What a way to start your next day with some fresh juice & a nice 20-30 min workout session outdoors! Simply click the images to be directed to the videos Dont forget to like…