Benefits of working Out During Pregnancy

Benefits of working Out During Pregnancy
Exercise is beneficial in many ways promoting a healthy pregnancy. Now I know you’re probably wondering why am I sharing a blog about pregnancy. Well for one, I am expecting, YAYY! and for two, as you may already know, this blog is to solely share my mind, body, and spiritual journey with you, whether it’s an herbal remedy, fitness tutorials, affirmations, spiritual tools, practices, plant based recipes, etc. The purpose is for the healing and advancement of our spirits living on this Earth, promoting healthier, happier lifestyles for us all.
Being pregnant is a major aspect of my spiritual healing journey and my purpose is to share my resonations with you, whatever and whenever they may be. Now, of course if you’re not expecting then this particular blog may not be for you, BUT it is very informative and maybe, just maybe you do know someone who is expecting and can benefit from these facts as well as my YouTube fitness tutorial linked below. Please share with them if so.
Simply click on the thumbnail above to be directed to an easy YouTube pregnancy stretch and workout session. Follow along with me, whether you are expecting or not as anyone can benefit from this workout. Don’t forget to like/subscribe/and share with others. Let’s Heal Together!
Read below for some proven facts of benefits of exercising during pregnancy for both mom and their baby.

Benefits of exercising during pregnancy for mom

Exercising promotes better sleep, keeping a positive mood, and keeping your energy high.
Minimizes excess weight gain. You’re going to gain weight during pregnancy, that’s a fact. Gaining it at a healthy rate is important not only for your ability to “bounce back” postpartum, but to enable your joints and body to carry the weight effectively. Nobody likes the aches and pains that come with pregnancy, and exercise can help to offset them
Helps control blood pressure lowering the risk of preeclampsia, which can be detrimental to both your and your baby’s health, keeps blood circulating to fend off swelling and fluid retention and varicose veins
Going into labor and birth unprepared is a big no no! Strengthening and prepping your body for the work ahead is a huge reason to exercise now to facilitate an easier labor.
Helps in maintaining blood sugar for a steady energy supply throughout the day, with less risk of being diagnosed with gestational diabetes
Helps to offset aches & pains during pregnancy. Gaining weight at a healthy rate is important not only for your ability to “bounce back” postpartum, but to enable your joints and body to carry the weight effectively.
The stronger you are in the prenatal phase, the quicker your body and muscle memory will bounce back postpartum. As most women have a minimum 6-8 week recovery time postpartum no matter what, exercising consistently before giving birth will help you feel better and recover much faster.

Benefits of exercise for baby

When you get your heart rate up, baby does too! Your little one’s cardiovascular system will be stronger because of it
Intelligence and memory can be higher in babies whose mom’s exercise when they’re pregnant.
Premature labor is not always controllable, exercise during pregnancy has been linked to reduce the risk of it and carry you to full-term.
You exercising NOW can lead to benefits for baby into childhood
Your placenta is your baby’s lifeline. The better it functions, the better environment they have to grow and thrive!