

  • Discovering Ahmia: The Journey of Goddess O.G.

    Who’s Ahmia, now? Allow me to introduce my newly invented, evolving self. Now, I can go deep & on and on but this will be a mix between surface level and a little tea, if you will. I’m Ahmia, the…

  • a woman in black tank top and shorts holding a dumbbell

    Benefits of working Out During Pregnancy

    Exercise is beneficial in many ways promoting a healthy pregnancy. Now I know you’re probably wondering why am I sharing a blog about pregnancy. Well for one, I am expecting, YAYY! and for two, as you may already know, this…

  • New YouTube Double upload

    Here we share one of our Sunrise rituals declaring the healing and sacredness of our wombs. *For the males that are reading this information, please share it with the sacred women in your life so that they can declare for…

  • woman in red sports bra and black leggings holding black and gray exercise equipment

    New Upper Body Training Sesh

    Going from completely toned to building muscle & healthy fats. I respect my journey and I am transforming! In this session my trainer and I focused on upper body strengthening and training, accelerating weight throughout each set until burn out!…

  • red and pink rose flower bouquet at woman s hand

    Leg Day At the Gym!

    I am 95% plant based , after removing meats and unhealthy fats from my diet I lost a lot of weight. I went from about 130 lbs. or more (thicker than a snicker) to now about 115 lbs. (tiny as…

  • Wellness Wednesdays!

    Peace Beautiful Soul, Just sending some peace and wellness , per usual. Here’s another peak at a morning ritual , part of the “Goddess O.G. Rituals” series on our blog site as well as our YouTube channel.  Remember our last…

  • woman girl morning sport

    Benefits of Yoga

    Yoga can be performed at any time, by any one. Whether male or female, from Youth to elderly promoting health and wellness of the body, It builds endurance, agility, and flexibility, of muscles and is practiced in conjunction with meditation…