frozen wave against sunlight

Sea of Infinite Potentials

Exercise your Unlimited Potential
The best part of your life is right in front of you!
Remember me telling you before, We become what we think about?
Silence others and listen to your own voice.
Smile more!
Find a cause larger than yourself and give back with your time, talent.

Try this exercise:
Rate yourself 1 – 10 Satisfaction
-How Do you feel about you?
Your life?
Your Job/ Career?
-Are your relationships toxic or nourishing?
-Are you motivated?
-Are you making any contributions, actions, what are you giving ?
What will you leave?

Grab a seat and a sheet of paper and honestly answer the questions quietly to yourself, observe your spirit which will provide your true responses.
Questions that may bring tension, take a moment to observe those emotions, and make positive steps towards changing in the areas that may resonate with you the most.
We must always remember that in this sea of infinite potentials, opportunities, and possibilities we control our very own circumstances.
Feel good about your life, and most of all be grateful about the smallest of things because honestly, they matter most.
Make solid , ground, divine decisions.
Check in with spirit first!
How we live our lives is a gift to God, Universe, The All, whichever you prefer.
Affirm that
” I am a force of nature”
” I am enough, beautiful, gifted, and special, EVERYTHING is within!”
” I love me, I really love me, and I accept me as I am”