Discovering Ahmia: The Journey of Goddess O.G.

Discovering Ahmia: The Journey of Goddess O.G.
Allow me to reintroduce myself

Who’s Ahmia, now?

Allow me to introduce my newly invented, evolving self. Now, I can go deep & on and on but this will be a mix between surface level and a little tea, if you will.

I’m Ahmia, the Goddess O.G. , & additionally the O.G. Goddess, we are one in the same, co-existing and co-creating the magic of our true purpose, efficiently and in the timing of our divine source.

I’m a 32 yr old Bama girl turned Florida girl, residing in tropical Miami and let me just say, Miami has been good to me. Here I’ve networked with so many like minded individuals of different ages from many different walks of life, met my soul mate “love at first sight”, and just a year ago I birthed my first child, NATURALLY in the comfort of my home! Yesss!! I am a mother & my role with my family amazes me on a daily basis and reminds me of my destiny and why I ever moved here in the first place.

I placed myself in positive situations I would have never experienced in the comfort of where I’m from, old mentality, conditioning, etc. As I left Alabama, I vowed to break negative generational damage and end cycles of lack and scarcity, not only physically but mentally as well. That vow is what birthed Goddess O.G.

Originally, Goddess O.G. signifies “Goddess On the Go” and honestly I’ve been living true to my name, on the go, for the past 6 years in search of my true self , my true desires, and my divine purpose. “On the Go Goddess” signifies a woman light, in search for inner peace so that her peace within reflects in her outer world. It represents freedom, mobility, not being bound by anything or anyone, flowing with the winds of nature, solely trusting in the divine reciprocation of the universe.

The more I searched within, my universe, the more my light shined, the more attention I attracted, the more inquiries I received from like minds on the what, why, and the how? From then on I used social media to answer those questions and share my journey, whether it was a fitness routine, yoga session, a vegan recipe, herbal hair and skin care remedies or simply just being in nature, one with myself.

Every tool I used for spiritual devotion birthed in me a vessel of information for others seeking the same freedom. The more feedback I received from my peers, the more downloads I received during meditation for further guidance. I spent most of my days documenting my daily rituals, creating vlogs, filling up journals of info from books I’ve read, affirmations which all turned into a blog. Still today I learn and live through the teachings and journals that birthed me into the being I am today and with this blog I vow to share it all with you.

Additionally & gratefully, I began to receive requests for skin and haircare products I experimented with for personal use, raving about the results on my social accounts which blossomed into a full skin care collection of body butter and scrubs, hair serums, soap bars, etc.

In 2020, Goddess O.G. Inc became my hub of everything that is me, everything I represent and create, all that I have to offer those of whom resonate. Goddess O.G. inc. is a non profit service organization where we equip you with tools of nourishment for your mind, body, and spirit. I handcraft and formulate all natural, herbal infusions, remedies, and decoctions promoting the healing of many ailments pertaining to mental health, physical health, both internal and external, and spiritual health, promoting optimal balance and self devotion. I’ve created specific targeting Herbal tea blends, Herbal smoke blend, Herbal womb detox blend, and an array of Assorted dried herbals allowing you the access to create your own specific herbal remedies.

In addition, Goddess OG is a certified yoga instructor offering single and small group yoga sessions of a unique style including a musical variety, sensual movements, and vocal affirmations in Miami, FL or virtually. If you’ve never tried yoga before you are missing out on an amazing and optimally beneficial practice that will change your life forever. Just as anything else, yoga takes time, dedication, consistency, and most of all practice. Start a new journey with me, practicing yoga at a beginning level and let’s all heal one day at time.

Just to share a little more of my back story, another passion of mine is mastering the art of cosmetology. For as long as I can remember, I watched my mom in awe behind the chair my entire life with a hunger to learn and motivation to excel in this industry. I loved everything about doing hair and my most of all favorite is the transformations. I remember literally telling my mother, “I’m gonna do some hair” and here I am currently a 14 year master cosmetologist. Years later it still brings me joy to see the smiles on my clients’ faces once they see their finished result. Currently I provide hair care services to men and women of relaxed and natural textures servicing both Miami and Atlanta. I am accepting new clients and some of my specialties include short hair, precision cuts, unique styling, natural handcrafted hair treatments, men’s hair cuts and beard trims, protective styles, custom color application, and so much more. View my portfolio via Instagram.

In all, you who are currently reading this blog piece, have already resonated with me on my path and shared your email with me whether you have shopped with me online or at a local pop up, or booked a previous service with me. Joining our mailing list ensures that we maintain a connection for you to receive more of what Goddess OG inc has to offer, directly to your inbox. Please share this blog with any one you believe can benefit. May you all enjoy 22% off any item in our store for being apart of a wholistic healing movement and your continuous support is well appreciated. Let’s keep in touch

Well wishes, light, and love!

Goddess OG