
Know Thyself

Things you need to know about self and how to learn self - Your Feelings and thoughts aren't always yours…

5 years ago

5 ways to Re-program the Subconscious Mind

We are co-creators of our own reality, when our words, thoughts, actions are divinely aligned we are becoming the greatest…

5 years ago

The Real Chakra System

Just in case you didnt know Earth is one being, one big body Here is listed the real chakra system…

5 years ago

Living in your purpose

What is your reason for being? Find your skill set and use it to engage others Serve people and help…

5 years ago

Physics of the Quest

Sometimes to lose balance in love is part of living balance in life. You know when its true, Its like…

5 years ago

5 Lessons in Life

1. DONT sleep walk through life DO what you love Dont give up! 2. Live life without fear Fear Lies,…

5 years ago