5 ways to Re-program the Subconscious Mind

We are co-creators of our own reality,
when our words, thoughts, actions are divinely aligned we are becoming the greatest versions of ourselves.
The subconscious mind is actions, truth, it is loyal, its on your side. The universe brings us what we think & feel, not necessarily what we want or say.
Would you rather be a prisoner of your mind or pioneer of the future? Lets break some habits!

1. Meditation
total body awareness, being in tune
by always being in our mind we move out of our heart space
which is much more powerful, the heart feels.
2. Change your belief system
these are your self thoughts, self beliefs
forgive yourself, love yourself 100%, take back your power
the words we speak form our belief system
Step out of “belief” into KNOWING!
3. Images, Words
some images clear negative energy
the subconscious is habitual. what are you watching & listening
to? The conscious mind is a LIAR
4. Break your routine
cut everything that is not serving you, & form new habits that do
the more you do something, the stronger you become
the brain changes based on experience, create new nuro pathways
Be flexible like bamboo & palm trees
5.Move Daily
Our whole body is our subconscious mind
exercise, have fun, smile, loosen up
We speak the same language as our minds when we are physical

Love Yourself!